Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) -
GojoRX Support

1. What is GojoRX?

GojoRX is a revolutionary prescription management platform that enables doctors to create and manage prescriptions efficiently, using innovative voice-to-text technology.

2. How do I Sign Up as a Doctor on GojoRX?

To sign up as a doctor on GojoRX, visit our website at and click on the "Sign Up" button. Fill in the required information, and our team will guide you through the verification process.

3. How Does the Prescription Creation Process Work?

Doctors can initiate the prescription creation process by selecting "Start Prescribing" from the dashboard. Our platform supports voice input for patient details, making the process quick and seamless.

4. Can I Access Previous Prescription History?

Yes, doctors can easily access their prescription history from the dashboard. The history includes patient details, dates, and an option to view the full prescription.

5. What if I Encounter Technical Issues?

If you encounter technical issues, please reach out to our support team via the "Contact Support" option in the admin panel. Our dedicated support staff will assist you promptly.

6. How Is Patient Data Secured?

Patient data security is our top priority. We adhere to strict privacy and security protocols, ensuring that all data is encrypted and stored securely. GojoRX is designed to comply with healthcare data protection standards.

7. Can I Use GojoRX on Mobile Devices?

Yes, GojoRX is optimized for mobile use. You can access and manage prescriptions on the go, making it convenient for busy healthcare professionals.

8. How Do I Print or Share Prescriptions?

After completing a prescription, you can print or share it directly from the app. The platform provides easy-to-use options for printing and sharing via popular communication channels like WhatsApp.

9. How Do I Reset My Password?

To reset your password, click on the "Forgot Password" link on the login page. Follow the instructions sent to your registered email to create a new password.

10. Is GojoRX Compliant with Healthcare Regulations?

Yes, GojoRX adheres to healthcare regulations, including HIPAA. We prioritize the confidentiality and privacy of patient information.

11. How Can I Provide Feedback or Suggestions?

We value your feedback! Feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions by contacting our support team or using the feedback option within the admin panel.

For any other inquiries, please contact our support team at [email protected].